Saturday, November 22, 2008


Dogma is a film about two renegade angels Bartleby and Loki who were kicked out of heaven by God and they are trying to get back in by going through an archway of a church in Jersey that has been open for hundreds of years so that they can be forgiven and get the slate wiped clean but if they do that they will prove god wrong and undo everything that God has done meaning undoing the universe.

God has went missing so she can't stop them so the voice of God and God's assistant gets a women called Bethany to stop them with the help of two prophets Jay and Silent Bob, the 13th Apostle called Rufus and a muse turned stripper called Serendipity but the angels also have help by someone called Azreal he is a muse turned demon he is only helping them to get revenge on god for banning him from heaven he said that "he would rather not exist than go back to hell".

Bethany, the prophets and the 13th apostle go to the church to speak to the priest and asks him to cancel the Jubilee but he refuses so silent Bob steals his golf club then they go for a drink at a pub so that they can talk about what to do next but Azreal is there to stop them but he doesn't get very far because he tells silent Bob to hit him with the golf club thinking that it won't do nothing to him but what he didn't know was that the priest blessed it and it kills him then Bethany thinks she knows where God is and goes to the hospital and frees God from John Doe Jersey and she is released and she stops the angels in the end but not before they kill lots of people first. This film is really funny I would recommend watching it.

Hocus Pocus

Hocus pocus is a film about three sister witches in Salem called Winifred, Sarah and Mary Sanderson who steal the lives of little children so that they can stay young forever one day they kidnapped a little girl called Emily Binx and her brother Thackeray Binx tried to save her but they did there magic on him and they turned him into a black cat then the witches were burnt at the stake.

300 years later on Halloween a virgin called Max Dennison went to there old house with his little sister Dani and a friend from school called Alison and he lit a black flamed candle then the house started to shake and the sisters appeared Max, Alison and Dani managed to escape with the help of Thackeray Binx the black cat and they also stole the witches magic book so that they can't cast anymore spells.

It turns into a cat and mouse chase so they can get there book back because they only came back for one night unless they steal the lives of lots of children they will be gone forever when it gets to sunrise they track them down at the graveyard but witches can't enter the graveyard they are not allowed so they summon one of Winifred's old boyfriends who she killed because she found him in bed with her sister Sarah.

She poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut never to tell a living sole his name was Billy Butcherson but instead of capturing them he help them and it turns into a big fight at the end and the witches realise that the sun is coming up and they get turned to stone then they explode and they are gone forever then Thackeray Binx dies and turns into a ghost and he is reunited with his little sister because he had done what he had been waiting 300 years to do and that was wait for a virgin to light the black flamed candle and the witched to be dead and gone forever.

Happy Feet

Happy feet is a musical animation film about penguins who sing a lot but there is one who can't sing but he does something totally different and tap dances his name is Mumble and when the penguins are old enough they go out looking for food to bring back home with them.

Mumble goes missing and he bumps into different penguins with there voices i think there Spanish or something anyway Mumble gets told that aliens are stealing all there food so Mumble goes back home and tells all the elder penguins what's happening to all of there food but no one believes him and they banish him from home and they say that he can't return until he stops all the lying and dancing so he sets of with his new friends in search of the aliens.

He sees a big boat and swims out to stop them but he gets caught in the net and gets taken to an aquarium i think it was and he starts doing his tap dancing and everyone gathers round to see him then they realise that he is trying to tell them something so they put a tracking device on him and let him go so that they can follow him so when he gets home he tells everyone what had happened with the aliens and they just want to help them.

The elders don't believe him and tells him there's no such things as aliens then they hear something beeping and realise that it is the tracking device on Mumbles back and realise that he is telling the truth so he shows everyone how to tap dance and a helicopter turns up and they realise that they are stealing all there food so everyone decides that fishing in that part of the world is banned now and no one can fish there anymore. This is a really great family film.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Braveheart is a film about a great Scottish man called William Wallace when he was just a little boy his dad and big brother went away to fight in a war and when they returned his dad and brother were dead so they had a funeral for them and at the funeral this little girl gave him a thistle flower and a kiss on the cheek then his uncle turned up and he had to go and stay with him.

Years later he came back and everyone was having this wedding celebration and he met up with his old friend Hamish and he saw a women and realized that it was the same little girl who gave him that flower years before and he still had that flower to that day they started spending a lot of time together and they fell in love.

One day they decided to get married in secret because the English used to come and take the married women away so they didn't want anyone else to know but one day one of the English soldiers knew something was wrong and he tried to rape her she bites his cheek then he punches her but William Wallace saves her and tells her to go and meet him at there secret place and put her on a horse then he escapes and when he gets to there secret place she's not there and he is wondering why.

He doesn't know that they had knocked her of the horse and captured her and because of what Wallace had done they had slit her throat and killed her and since that day William swore revenge on the English and went round killing them all and he was going after the king aswell but at the end he got captured and tortured he got told that they would let him go if he would just say cry out mercy but he refused and shouted out freedom so they cut his head of and since that day all his friends and his best friend Hamish kept on fighting in the honour of William Wallace and to get there revenge. This is the best film in the world I would recommend watching this film to those who haven't seen it.

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